The Lothian Surgical Audit Archive

The papers of the Lothian Surgical Audit (LSA) have now been catalogued as part of our Wellcome Trust funded project and the catalogue is available to view here on the Archives Hub (with an abridged…
John Griffith Roberts certificate signed by Charles Bell 1872
Andreae Vesalii invictissimi Caroli V Imperatoris Medici Opera omnia anatomica & chirurgica, 1725
Playfair Building ground floor plans 1908
Detail of 15th Century Book of Hours
1905 Illuminated congratulatory manuscript presented by the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society
The papers of the Lothian Surgical Audit (LSA) have now been catalogued as part of our Wellcome Trust funded project and the catalogue is available to view here on the Archives Hub (with an abridged…