Gallery of Rare Items
Ruysch Thesaurus 1701
Hermes Trismegistus' 1652 Physical Rarities 1
A 15th Century Book of Hours
Charles Bell's 1798 System of dissections
Muybridge's 1887 Animal locomotion
College Prayer
Tagliacozzi 1597
George McClellan's 1892 Regional anatomy
Physical Rarities 1652
Alexander Watson Wemyss' 1828 Anatomy of the Human Eye
John Browne's 1687 Compleat discourse of wounds
Jacob Klint's 1784 Commentatio inauguralis anatomica de nervis brachii
1905 Illuminated congratulatory manuscript presented by the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Fabricius' 1687 Opera omnia
Harvey's De motu cordis 1628
Mungo Clark's 1806 RCSEd Diploma